Over 9 million people have survived a stroke globally with about 45% of them being functionally dependent on others one-year post-stroke. Knowing the symptoms of a stroke can be life or death for some. Listed below are the most common symptoms of a stroke:
- Numbness or weakness in the arms, legs, and face (typically occurring on one side of the body and face).
- Difficulties speaking or producing words. Words can come out sounding like gibberish and not make any sense.
- Visual disturbances, typically in one eye.
- A sudden loss of balance or trouble walking.
- Acute headache without any cause.
A quick way to recognize if someone is having a stroke is through the acronym FAST:
- F – Face: is one side of the person’s face drooping?
- A – Arms: is the person able to raise both arms or is there weakness?
- S – Speech: Is their speech slurred or incoherent?
- T – Time: Call 9-1-1 if you suspect someone is suffering from a stroke. Time is of the essence when it comes to treating stroke.